only by appointment

Frans Snijders introduces himself

The world I grew up in was very small. Not only did we hardly leave the village where we lived, but even in the village itself there were two separate communities that – as I remember – lived entirely alongside each other, with separate churches, separate schools, separate football clubs, separate everything. We had two […]

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Research into the preparatory year

My name is Jasna Mujakovic, and since September I’ve been the new researcher for the National Code of Conduct Commission. I graduated as an educationalist from the University of Groningen in 2018. While completing my studies I gained experience on the basis of a work experience placement and a subsequent traineeship at the administration office […]

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Letter from National Commission: HE institutions’ admissions policy

In recent months the Commission has learned with great interest of the various policy documents concerning higher education, including the Interdepartmental Policy Research on Internationalization (IBO), the government response to the IBO and the letter in which the Minister of Education, Culture and Science sets out the main points of the Strategic Agenda for Higher […]

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